Lease agreement for tourist use

n.xx /2023

Between the parts

Ms Maria Antonietta Vaccaro, born in Bernalda (MT) on 12/16/1954 and resident in Matera in Via Taranto n. 13/L, C.F. VCCMNT54T56A801I hereinafter landlord
Mr   Surname  XX Name XX  , born in    XX   on   XX and resident in the City  XX , Address XX  ,  State/Province XX  , Postal Code XX    Country XX,   C.F. XX, hereinafter tenant;

 also referred to as parts,agree and stipulate the following:

1) Object

The landlord  leases  to the tenant the house in its current state , for tourist use only and to the exclusion of any other, the house located in Bernalda, via Corso Italia 79, ground floor, consisting of 2 rooms, and kitchen and bathroom,  and equipped with the following accessories: fully furnished with appliances and furnishings, registered at the N.C.E.U. of the Municipality of Bernalda, sheet 31, parcel 400, subordinate 1, cat. A/4, class 5, income €81.34, owned by the lessor.

2) Prohibitions and obligations

The tenantundertakes to use the housefor residential use exclusively for tourist purposes and him/her will be hosted n. XX people.

It is prohibited  to the tenant to sublet or grant third parties, even on a precarious and/or temporary basis, the enjoyment of the property, under penalty of ipso jure termination of this contract.

The tenant is obliged to conserve and look after the property with due diligence, providing for ordinary maintenance, undertaking not to modify or transform the property, returning it at the end of this contract in the state  in which it was received except for normal wear and tear.

The tenant undertakes to report any defects in the property and furniture to the owner within 1 day of handing over the keys.

3) Duration

This contract is stipulated for a fixed term, for a maximum duration of XX days with effect from XX to XX. Upon expiry, it will cease without the need for any cancellation,  with the tenant’s obligation to return the property to the landlord.

4) Fee and expenses

The rent is agreed in € XX which the tenant undertakes to pay with  XX.

5) Referral

For anything not expressly provided for in this contract, the parties declare  to accept the provisions of the civil code and the rules of the tourism code as applicable, as well as local customs.

Bernalda , date xx

The landlord                                                                                     The tenant

___________________                                                                                     ________________


(1) Tourist lease contract regulated by articles 1571 and following of the Civil Code, by article 4 of Legislative Decree 50/2017 converted with Law n. 96/2017, by art. 1, paragraph 2 lett. c), of the law of 9 December 1998, n. 431 as well as by art. 53 of the Tourism Code,
Legislative Decree 79/2011, "Residential leases for tourist purposes" according to which "accommodations rented exclusively for tourist purposes, in any place located, are governed by the provisions of the civil code on the subject of leasing."

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